
Sunday, January 4, 2009

A Journey in Faith

No one has ever heard me talk about my journey in faith preceeding my recent surgery. It was a walk I made alone with God. One that tested my faith and made me surrender to His mercy.

In the days before my surgery, a threatening thought came to mind. What if I didn't wake up? What if I never saw my family and friends again? How would my girls remember me? I decided that I needed to write a letter to each of them, to Perry, and to Mom. (I would have loved to have written to every single person I knew, but I also knew I wouldn't have time to do that!) I struggled for a couple of days with what to say...how to express my love for them...my hopes and dreams for their future. I prayed for guidance. Then God reminded me of my faith. I had already prayed for His safety during the surgery. Did I not believe that He would do what I asked?
Have I not commanded you? Be
strong and of good courage;
do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for
the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.
Joshua 1:9
I never wrote those letters. Instead, I put all my faith in God to see that those letters were not needed. My God is stronger than death. I did not have to be afraid. As always, God was faithful in His word and to my Savior, I say thank you.

1 comment:

Catherine said...

God is faithful! Too often I struggle with things that I don't have to because I fail to give those times/things to Him first. My faith and salvation are the rock of my life and eternity. I could not love my children and grandchildren more and they (espically Suzanne) have always been there for me, but even their love cannot take the place of God's love. Suzanne, I am grateful for your faith in Jesus Christ. I pray that you will grow into a deeper relationship with Him and make that relationship first priority in your life.
