
Friday, November 7, 2008

"Tis the season...

Let's be real....you and I both already know that the true meaning of the Christmas has been hijacked and replaced with credit cards and consumerism. I'm sure you don’t need another lesson on the reason for the season, but maybe you do need an opportunity to celebrate it's true meaning. If so, the children of Bethune Elementary in downtown Atlanta are waiting for you. A whopping 98% of these kids live at or below the poverty level and a local church is trying to get enough money to buy each child a new school uniform ($25) and a new toy ($15) for Christmas.

I challenge you to reach out to these children in need. I did and it feels good to know that such a small donation can make a huge difference in their lives. Don't hesitate...make your contribution today! Any amount will be greatly appreciated since they only have roughly $3700 toward their goal of $21,000. The donation drive ends December 2nd so be sure to share the website with others (friends, family, church, blog readers) and together we can make this holiday season something to remember for these deserving kids!

Here's the website: http://www.500uniforms.org/

DISCLAIMER: I do not know these people and I am not affiliated with them in any way. I believe the Holy Spirit led me to find out about them and has laid it upon my heart to share their story. Therefore, if my small efforts helps lead others to participate in God's plan for these children, then I am honored to have been a part.

1 comment:

Catherine said...

I donated also. May God bless these children and the people that are taking time and efforts to make their Christmas a little brighter