
Friday, February 13, 2009

Neglected again...

Yes, my blog is being woefully neglected again. This time, however, it's for a good cause...a clean house! Early last week, I started cleaning my house by following a planner. It's available at motivatedmoms.com. I do have to say that the website isn't much except a place to purchase the planners. Anyway, I purchased a planner ($8) and have begun following their routine. There is a list of tasks you perform every day and then there is another list for each day of the week which varies daily. So far, I've stuck with it for over a week! My house already looks much better and I actually enjoy it. Believe me, for someone who hates cleaning as much as I do, this is a major accomplishment! It's nice to know that I only have a dozen or so things to do each day and then I'm done. Satisfaction is a great feeling! It definitely keeps me busy so for now, this blog is being somewhat neglected. Sorry blog buddies...I haven't forgotten you though!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Really? It works? I'm going to try it. I start out every week with the best of intentions and Monday is great...and then...you know. It stops. I'm going to check that one out!! Thank you!