
Thursday, May 8, 2008

Thoughtful Thursday

Before you begin reading, scroll down to the very bottom of this page. Look for the Playlist. Click on the third song (Sweet By and By) and then come back up here. Make sure your speakers are turned on. Then continue reading below.


Perfect. Isn't that beautiful? That song evokes a very sweet memory for me. The person in the center of that memory is my Granny Bradley.

I can distinctly remember going to church with her as a young child. I remember the tiny old handles to the church door. I remember the kind old white-haired pastor - Brother Trotter - that always shook your hand as you left. I remember the wooden pews that were surprisingly comfy. I remember the Sunday School room where my aunt taught any kids that happened to be visiting that day. I remember learning my first Bible verse - John 3:16 - and the pride I felt when I had it completely memorized.

Then comes this song. I vividly remember standing next to Granny as she sang this song in a very sweet, off-key voice with all her heart while my aunt played the antique church piano during the worship service. I recall several old hymns, but this one stands out in my mind. Hearing it how makes my heart yearn for a simpler time and place. Oh how I wish I could go back in time and relive another Sunday like that. I know I would appreciate the moment a lot more now than I did back then. Do you have a special memory you wish you could relive? I'm pretty sure we all have them...if only we take the time to remember. As this song plays out, bask in your own sweet memories and appreciate the moments so fondly remembered.

1 comment:

Catherine said...

Anyone who knew her, loved her! I don't know of anyone who had a greater influence on my life. I am proud God allowed me to be her daughter.